Invited Speakers
(in alphabetical order)
Dr. Md. Al-Amin BHUIYAN King Faisal University Al Ahssa, Saudi Arabia Title: |
Prof. Oleg BURDAKOV Linköping University Department of Mathematics Linköping-Sweden Title: Monotonicity Recovering Methods for Postprocessing Finite Element Solutions |
Prof. Dr. İbrahim DİNÇER University of Ontario Institue of Technology (UOIT)-Canada Title: |
Prof. Dr.Mitra DJAMAL Faculty of Math.and Natural Sciences Institut Teknologi Bandung INDONESIA Title: Development of Laser Device Based on Glass Material |
Prof. Dr. H. Mustafa ERAVCI Yıldırım Beyazıt University Ankara-TURKEY Title: Küreselleşme-Bilim ve Teknoloji Ekseninde Toplumsal Çözülme |
Prof.Dr.Madjid FATHI Dept. of EECS University of Siegen, Germany Title: The impact of Knowledge Technology for Industry 4.0 |
Prof.Dr. Amir HUSSAIN University of Stirling, School of Natural Science, Scotland(UK) Title: Next-generation Cognitive Technologies and Applications: Some Case Studies and Future Directions |
Prof.Dr. Hamdi Şükür KILIÇ Selçuk University, Konya (TURKEY) Title: Production of The Charged Particles: Laser Based Techniques |
Dr. Ken LEDINGHAM Strathclyde University, Glasgow –Scotland (UK) Title: Laser Driven Beam Therapy – Where are we now? An Update to the Bodrum Presentation of 2014 |
Prof. Dr. Jenny LEUNG The Chinese University of Hong Kong-China Title: On the Mixed Set Packing and Covering Problem |
Dr. Maria-Ana POPOVİCİ Politehnica University, Bucharest-Romania Title: Radiation Protection Evaluations for the ELI-NP Facility with FLUKA Monte Carlo Code |
Prof. Gerhard-Wilhelm WEBER Middle East Technical University Ankara-Turkey Title: Controlling Factors which Influence the Quality of Primary Education in Developing Countries |