

Those  are topics of ICCESEN-2016 detailed in 15 different THEME

The Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:


Theme 1. Physical Science and Technology

  • Computational and mathematical physics
  • Applied Physics
  • Atomic physics and Laser technology
  • Reactor technology
  • Accelerator physics
  • Radiation physics and Radiation protection
  • Radiation measurement and Radiation dosimetry
  • Nuclear application in life sciences
  • Molecular Imaging
  • Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • High energy and particle physics
  • Solid state and crystal physics
  • Plasma technology and application
  • Spectroscopy and related topics
  • Astrophyics and space science
  • Etc…

Theme 2. Mathematical Science and Applications

  • Continuous      Optimization 
  • Engineering Optimization,
  • Combinatorial      Optimization,
  • Game theory and Operations Research,
  • Computational Mathematics,
  • Combinatorics and its Applications,
  • Cryptography and Information Security,
  • Applications of Mathematics in Emerging Technologies,
  • Financial Mathematics and Risk Management,
  • Mathematical Methods in Environmental Sciences,                                       
  • Applied Probability & Statistics and their applications,
  • Etc.

  Theme 3. Energy and Applications

  • Solar energy and application
  • Photovoltaic technology
  • Geothermal energy
  • Bioenergy and biomass energy technology
  • Wind energy and application
  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Sustainable fossil energy systems
  • Renewable energy technologies 
  • Renewable energy management and environmental impact
  • Energy utilization and environmental effect
  • Energy efficiency and management
  • Global warming and its consequences.
  • Sustainable energy technologies in the built environment 
  • Atmospheric changes, acid precipitation, aerosols,
  • Climate change modelling/simulation
  • Climate networks, weather forecasts/scenarios
  • Energy/environment policies/strategies/security/technologies
  • Global warming modelling/simulation
  • Renewables, hydrogen/nuclear/other cleaner energy resources/technologies
  • Etc…

   Theme 4.  Earth Science and Applications

  • Geological science and application
  • Geophysics
  • Atmospheric events and application
  • Water science and technology
  • Ecological science
  • Eartquakes and thsunamis
  • Volcanoes
  • Fossils and earth history
  • Rocks and minerals
  • Plates tectonics
  • Oil and Gas
  • Geochemistry
  • Dynamics of the lithosphere
  • Tectonics and volcanology
  • Sedimentology
  • Evolution of life
  • Marine and continental ecosystems
  • Global dynamics of physicochemical cycles
  • Mineral deposits and hydrocarbons
  • Surface processes.
  • Etc..

    Theme 5.  Engineering Science and Applications

  • Petrolium engineering
  • Vacuum science and technology
  • Optical engineering
  • Numerical methods in engineering
  • Software Engineering and knowledge engineering
  • Surface Science and Engineering
  • Architecture and building Engineering
  • Fundamental Chemical engineering
  • Physical, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  • Distillation, absorption and extraction
  • Biochemical Engineering
  • Sustainable and clean technology
  • Civil Engineering
  • Transportation materials and technology
  • Technical Textile
  • Computer Technology for textile and apparel
  • Smart and Interactive Textiles
  • Protective Clothing
  • Image Technolgies
  • Electrical and electronics technology
  • Etc…

Theme 6.  Material Science and Applications

  • Surfaces, interfaces and colloids
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Polymers and amorphous materials
  • Biomaterials science and engineering
  • Melting and casting
  • Powder metallurgy
  • Steels and steel production technologies
  • Mechanical behaviour of materials ceramic and glass
  • Science and technology composite materials
  • Materials characterization
  • Glass science and engineering
  • Plastic engineering
  • Membranes and membrane science
  • Sol-Gel Science and technology
  • Thin Film and choating technology
  • Construction materials
  • CO2 reduction and low carbon technologies 
  • Etc…


 Theme 7. Biological, Medical and Health Science and Applications

  • Medical informatics
  • Medical physics
  • Biophysics
  • Radiotherapy and application
  • Radiology and application
  • Biochemistry
  • Anatomy 
  • radiopharmaceuticals
  • nuclear medicine
  • Radiobiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Hydrobiology
  • Botanic
  • Zoology
  • Ecological biology
  • Cell biology
  • Plant biology
  • Animal biology
  • Nursing science and practice
  • Nutrition & Dietetics
  • Sport Sciences
  • Health services,
  • hospital administration,
  •  health care management,
  • health care financing,
  • health policy and planning,
  • health economics,
  • health education,
  • history of medicine and palliative care
  • Health Policy & Services
  • Rehabilitation
  • Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism
  • Public, Environmental & Occupational Health.
  • Etc…

  Theme 8. Education Technologies and Applications

  • Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
  • Global Issues In Education and Research
  •  Barriers to Learning (ethnicity, age, psychosocial factors, ...)
  •  Educational Psychology,
  • Educational Measurement & Evaluation
  • Teaching and Learning Processes
  • Cultural, Social, and Gender Issues, Democracy and Education
  • Communication Technologies in Education
  • Information Technologies in Education
  • Science and Mathematics Education
  • Engineering education and application
  • Language Education
  • E-learning and technologies
  • Educational Policy & Administration
  • Social Studies Education,
  • Research Methodologies,
  • Academic Research Projects,
  • Research on Technology in Education,  
  • Erasmus and Exchange experiences in universities,
  • Continuing Education, Higher Education,
  • Educational Administration,
  • Teacher Education,
  • Cross-disciplinary areas of Education,
  • Educational Psychology,
  • Life-long Learning Education,
  • Reading Education, Distance Education,
  • Internet technologies
  • Etc....


Theme 9. Agricultural and Food Science and Technology

  • Food Science
  • Food process technology and engineering
  • Urban/regional planning, water/water issues, food and agriculture
  • food science related to primary production.
  • boreal agriculture in the areas of agricultural economics
  • agricultural engineering,
  • animal science,
  • plant and soil science,
  • Farm-level and regional water management
  • Crop water relations and water productivity
  • Irrigation, drainage, and salinity in cultivated areas
  • Salinity management and strategies for improving the use of saline water in agriculture
  • Rainwater harvesting and crop water management in rainfed areas
  • Use of low quality waters in agriculture
  • Groundwater management in agriculture and conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water
  • Implications of groundwater and surface water management on nutrient cycling
  • fundamental aspects of farm animals
  • soil science
  • sustainable farming systems
  • agricultural economics
  • genetics and plant breeding
  • agricultural engineering,
  • water research and agricultural statistics.
  • Etc…

Theme 10. Forestry and Environmental Science and Engineering

  • Environmental Sciences,
  • Environmental Engineering and technolgies
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Environmental Biotechnology
  • Toxicology
  • Protection of water resources.
  • Forestry and related Medical informatics
  • forest ecosystems
  • wood production chain
  • wood science and industry
  • wood and wood-based products, and wood constructions
  • Indoor air pollution
  • Water resources and river basin management
  • risks and disturbances affecting forest ecosystems: biology, ecology, economics;
  • forestry wood chain including tree breeding, forest management and productivity,ecosystem services, silviculture and plantation management;
  • wood sciences, with an emphasis on the relationships between wood structure
  • Forest science
  • Plant protection science
  • Plant soil and environment
  • Other forest related fields
  • Etc…


Theme 11. Business, Economical and Financial Issues

  • Information Management
  • Accounting
  • Public Administration
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Management
  • Human Resources
  • Rural Development
  • Economy
  • Growth and Development Strategies
  • Fiscal System and Policy
  • Monetary System and Policy
  • Income Distribution
  • Unemployment
  • Investment
  • Consumption and Saving
  • Human Capital
  • Trade Policy
  • The History of Economic Thought
  • Banking and Finance
  • Business and Economics
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
  • Economic Policy
  • Finance and Investment
  • Technology and Operational Management
  • Financial Economics
  • General Economics,
  • Business Cycles theories,
  • Game theory, Money and banking,
  • Labor Market Studies,
  • Regulatory economics,
  • Fiscal Policies, Technology and Knowledge Innovations,
  • Global Financial Crises,
  • Economic Methodology,
  • Production and Organizations,
  • Market Structure and Pricing,
  • Welfare Economics,
  • Public Finance,
  • Public Economics,
  • Law and Economics,
  • Economic Policy,
  • International Finance,
  • International Economics,
  • Financial Economics,
  • Sociology of Economics,
  • Emerging Markets,
  • Banking & Financial Services,
  • Country Risk,
  • Debt Issues,
  • Insurance,
  • Reinsurance,
  • Corporate Governance,
  • Financial Crises,
  • Multinational Finance,
  • Market Integration and Interest Rates,
  • Accounting,
  • Regulation & Taxation,
  • Monetarism,
  • Rational Expectations Theory,
  • Prices and Inflation,
  • International Economic Order,
  • International Investment and related topics in Economics & Finance.
  • Etc…

Theme 12. Politics, international affairs and Globalizations


  • Global flows
  • Global security
  • Human movement: migration, refugees, undocumented migrants
  • The dynamics of globalization, diaspora and diversity
  • Globalized economics: inequalities, development, ‘free’ and ‘fair’ trade
  • Developed and developing worlds
  • Inequalities in international perspective
  • Poverty and global justice
  • Human rights in global perspective
  • The local and the global
  • International Relations,
  • Nationalism and identity policies,
  • Political Participation,
  • Political Theory,
  • Comparative Politics
  • Comparative Government,
  • Political Systems, International Politics,
  • Politics of European Integration,
  • American Politics,
  • Political Science Research Methods,
  • Gender Politics,
  • Political Economy,
  • Public Administration,
  • Global Governance
  • Public Policy, Power and Justice
  • The Presidency, Voting, Campaigning,
  • Elections, Political Psychology, Democracy and Its Critics,
  • Liberty and Equality,
  • Modern Political Ideologies,
  • European Integration,
  • Politics of Developing Countries,
  • Gover Politics of the Middle East,
  • Politics of Human Rights,
  • Autocracy, Democracy and Prosperity,
  • The Soviet Successor States,
  • Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict,
  • International Law and Organizations,
  • United States Foreign Policy,
  • International Terrorism
  • Public Administration and Policy
  • International Affairs and Strategic Studies
  • Governmental Systems & Practices
  • Politics and Ethics
  • International Relations
  • Political Economy
  • Reforming and Consolidated
  • Security and insecurity, conflict and cohesion, war and peace, terror and anti-terror
  • South Asian politics
  • Other related topics in Political Science.
  • Etc.....

Theme 13. Law, Management and Justice

  • Public and Private law,
  •  Commercial law,
  • Tort and Property law,
  • Administrative andTax law,
  • Environmental law,
  • Human rights law,
  • Legal systems and their Institutions,
  •  European law,
  • The institutions of international justice,
  • Judicial System and Government Structure,
  • Legislature and Legal Methodology,
  • Civil Procedure and Civil Law,  
  • Islamic Law,
  • Family and Juvenile Law,
  • Health Law,
  • Constitutional Law and Justice,  
  • Criminal and Contract Law,  
  • Intellectual Property Law,  
  • Employment Business Organization Law,
  • Corporate and Immigration Law,
  • Real Estate Law,
  • Sports and Entertainment Law,
  •  History andPhilosophy of Law  
  •  Public Law
  •  Economic and Financial Law
  • Labor and Social Law
  • International Human Right Law
  • Legal History
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Copy Right Law
  • Climate Change Law
  • Other related topics in Law.
  • Recent Innovations in Management,
  • Training and Development,
  • Technology Management,
  • Business Environment,
  • Information and Knowledge Management,
  • Management Accounting and Finance,
  • Management of family business,
  • Marketing of Financial Services,
  • Education and human development in management,
  • Management of Commercial Geography,
  •  Management conflicts in enterprises,
  • Management of Social Sector,
  • Education and Employment,  
  • Management and bureaucracy,
  • The management of Business finance,
  • Project management,
  •  Managing business transformation,
  •  Managing the marketing role,
  • International relationships in management,
  • Timetabling in management,
  • Social communications in management,
  • Motivation of Human Resource,
  • Business strategies,
  • Leadership and corporate governance,
  • Change management,
  • Managerial Accounting,
  • Personal Ethics at Work,
  • Sales and Sales Management,
  • Organizational Leadership,
  •  Psychology and Decision Making
  • Other related topics in Management.
  • Etc…

Theme 14. Tourism-Cultural-Archaeological and language  Studies

  • Archaeological Science,
  • Origins and modernity in Archaeology,
  • Changing perspectives in archaeology, 
  • Types of Archaeology,
  • History of Archaeology,
  • Archaeology of Ancient Egypt,
  • Methods and Theory in Archaeology,
  • Studies in African Archaeology,
  • Studies in European Archaeology,
  • Contemporary Theory in Archaeology
  • Other related topics in Archaeology.
  • Tourism Products & Attraction,
  • Religious tourism,
  • Historical tourism,
  • Social tourism,
  • Adventure tourism,
  • Health tourism,
  • Business tourism,
  • Conferences and conventions tourism
  • incentives, sports and adventure tourism,
  • Tourist Transportation,
  • International Tourism Organisations,
  • Travel formalities,
  • Approval of Travel Agents and Tour Operators,
  • Functions of a Travel Agent,
  • Functions of a Tour Operator,
  • Public and Private sector in Travel Agency
  • Business, Public and Private sector in Tour Operation Business,
  • Tourism Resources,
  • Tourism Policy,
  • Tourism Planning,
  • Tourism Geography,
  • Tourism marketing,
  • Practical Tourism,
  • Tour Operation Management,
  • Role of Computer Information systems in travel trade,
  • Hotel &  Resort Management,
  • Communication tools for promoting tourism products,
  • Accounting & Finance Management,
  • Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism,
  •  Other related topics in Tourism.


Theme 15. Social and Other Related Science


  • Sociology: concepts and practices
  • Psychology of the social
  • Economics as social science
  • Philosophy’s place in the social sciences
  • Social welfare studies as interdisciplinary practice
  • The applied social sciences
  • Social sciences for the professions
  • Social sciences for social welfare
  • Social breakdown: dysfunction, crime, conflict, violence
  • Social crisis points
  • Technologies for the social science
  • Economics, politics and their social effects
  • Commonalities, differences and relationships between the social and the natural sciences
  • Methodologies involving social science
  • Research methods in Psychology,
  • The profession of Psychology,
  • Major approaches in Psychology,
  • Psychology  for society,
  • Psychology and development,
  • Psychology and gender studies,
  • Psychology and spirituality,
  • Psychology and urbanization,
  • Psychometry and assessment,
  • Role of qualitative research in psychotherapy,
  • Violence & criminal studies,
  • New trends in organizational psychology,
  • Mobbing – Bullying in workplace,
  • Conflict and Stress management,
  • Burnout and workload,
  • Positive psychology and happiness,
  • Group behavior,
  • Drug abuse & alcoholism,
  • Neuroscience,
  • Cognitive psychology,
  • Evaluation & human behavior,
  • Aggression,
  • Theories of gender development,
  • Motivation,
  • Emotions,
  • Social and Cultural Psychology,
  • Environmental Psychology,
  • Child Development
  • related topics in psychology.
  • History and Theory in Anthropology,
  • Structure and function in primitive society,
  • Ethnography as Cultural Translation,
  • Anthropology and the Study of Power,
  • Post-modern anthropology and meta-ethnography,
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology,
  • Language,
  • Culture and Change,
  • Language and Gender,
  • Globalization,
  • Physical Anthropology,
  • Natural Selection,
  •  Populations,
  • Phylogenies,
  • Primate Ecology,
  • Human origins,
  • Modern human origins,
  • Human behavior,
  • Human evolution and human variation today,
  • Ethnographic Methods and Writing,
  • Anthropology of Media,
  • Media Forms,
  • Social Practices,
  • The Social Sites of Media Production,
  • ,
  • Television and the Cultural Politics,
  • Radio and Telephony,
  • Witnessing and Activism,
  • The Politics of Indigenous Media,
  • Photography as Archive and Practice,
  • Societies and Cultures Eurasia,
  • The Anthropology of Food,
  • Civilization,
  • Cultural Ecology
  • Anthropology of Gender,
  • anthropology in its contexts
  • Of human lifecourses: family, childhood, youth, parenting and aging
  • Of human origins: paleontology, primate evolution, physical anthropology
  • Ethnographic methods
  • Social meanings: language, linguistics, discourse, text
  • Cultural studies as a constitutive field
  • Social science stances: modernism and postmodernism; structuralism and poststructuralism
  • Where humanities and social sciences meet
  • Social structure and human culture: the sociological and the anthropological
  • Interdisciplinary perspectives on human differences
  • Identities in social science: generational, gender, sexuality, ethnic, diasporic
  • Perspectives on, and voices of, difference: multiculturalism and feminism
  • Religion and the human sciences
  • Health, wellbeing and culture
  • Marriage and Family
  • Other related topics in Anthropology.
  • History of Political Thought,
  • Historiography in the Modern West,
  • Historical Traditions in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds,
  • Military History, Gender in History,
  • Diplomatic History,
  • Ottoman History,
  • Islamic and Turkish History,
  • Byzantine History,
  • History of Islam,
  • British History,
  • Medieval Europe,
  • US Historiography,
  • History of American Politics,
  • Religion in East and West,
  • History of American Radicalism,
  • Museum and Archives History,
  • Jewish History and Religion,
  • Economic History and Capitalism,
  • Cultural History,
  • Religion and Nationalism in 19th Century Europe,
  • American Legal History,
  • History of Russia,
  • Imperialism and Nation State Formation,
  • Nationalism,
  • Revolution and Reform,
  • The Mediterranean and Middle East,
  • Christian Societies Emerge in Europe,
  • Inner and East Asia,
  • The Cold War and Decolonization,
  • The Soviet Union,
  • Nazism and Fascism in Europe and Asia,
  •  Other related topics in History.
  •  Etc